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20th August 2024, by PIO

Scottish Law Commission Reports Now Available on PIO

We are pleased to announce that all Scottish Law Commission reports have been added to PIO, marking a significant enhancement to our legislation tracking service. This update allows users to access not only the full legislative journey of a Bill—from debate in Hansard through to Royal Assent—but also the initial recommendations and insights from the Scottish Law Commission.

The Role of the Scottish Law Commission

The Scottish Law Commission plays a crucial role in shaping and reforming Scottish law. Established in 1965 under the Law Commissions Act, the Commission’s primary purpose is to keep the law under review and to recommend reforms where needed. The Commission’s reports often form the foundation of new legislation or amendments to existing laws, providing expert analysis and recommendations on complex legal issues. Their work covers a wide range of areas, from family law to criminal justice, and often addresses issues that require modernization or clarification in Scottish law.

By including these reports in PIO, users can now gain a deeper understanding of the legislative process, starting with the Commission's initial recommendations. This access will allow for a more comprehensive view of how legislation evolves, reflecting the thorough research and detailed analysis that often inform the final laws.

Enhancing Legislation Tracking on PIO

This addition represents another step in our ongoing commitment to offering the most detailed and accessible legislative information available.