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8th July 2024, by PIO

New Addition to PIO: All Law Commission Reports Now Available

We are excited to announce that all Law Commission Reports have now been added to Public Information Online (PIO). This significant enhancement allows users to access a wealth of legal reform documentation, further enriching our comprehensive legislation tracking service.

The Role of the Law Commission

The Law Commission is a statutory independent body in the UK, established by the Law Commissions Act 1965. Its primary function is to review and recommend reforms to the law to ensure it is fair, modern, simple, and cost-effective. The Commission undertakes extensive research and consultation before formulating its recommendations, which are aimed at addressing outdated, complex, or otherwise problematic areas of the law.

What is a Law Commission Report?

A Law Commission report is the culmination of a detailed review process carried out by the Commission. These reports typically include:

  • Analysis of Current Law: An examination of the existing legal framework and identification of issues or shortcomings.
  • Consultation Feedback: Summaries of the views and evidence gathered from various stakeholders, including legal professionals, academics, and the public.
  • Recommendations for Reform: Proposals for new legislation or amendments to current laws to address the identified issues.
  • Draft Bills: Where appropriate, the reports include draft bills to facilitate the legislative process.

Enhancing Legislation Tracking on PIO

The inclusion of Law Commission Reports on PIO significantly enhances our legislation tracking service. Users can now trace the lifecycle of a piece of legislation more comprehensively. In addition to seeing how a Bill was debated in Hansard and its journey to receiving Royal Assent, users can now view the initial recommendations and rationale provided by the Law Commission. This provides valuable context and insight into the legislative process, from the identification of a legal issue to the final enactment of a new law.

By making these reports accessible, we aim to promote greater transparency and understanding of the legislative process. Users can explore the origins of legislative changes and the meticulous work that goes into developing effective and just laws.


The addition of Law Commission Reports to PIO is a significant step forward in our mission to provide comprehensive and accessible public information. We believe this enhancement will be of great benefit to legal professionals, researchers, students, and anyone interested in the legislative process. Explore the new content and gain a deeper understanding of how laws are reformed and developed in the UK.